Sony Pictures 呈獻《全謊位登月》(FLY ME TO THE MOON),由《黑寡婦》性感女神施嘉莉祖安遜(Scarlett Johansson)及《白宮末日》型男卓靈泰坦(Channing Tatum)領銜主演。市場營銷奇才鍾嘉莉(施嘉莉祖安遜 飾)無句真但sell乜都爆數。冷戰時期,美蘇太空競賽爭個你死我活,嘉莉被挖角為美國太空總署(NASA)提升公眾形象兼搵真銀!經驗豐富的火箭發射總監戴高爾(卓靈泰坦 飾)唔likey太空科學商業化,但因為總統下令國家級登月任務不容有失,被迫配合著嘉莉秘密進行「扮登月」後備計劃⋯⋯謊話與情話交錯,水火不容的嘉莉和高爾逐漸放下分歧,攜手完成這個舉世矚目的任務⋯⋯
Starring Scarlett Johansson and Channing Tatum, FLY ME TO THE MOON is a sharp, stylish comedy-drama set against the high-stakes backdrop of NASA’s historic Apollo 11 moon landing. Brought in to fix NASA’s public image, sparks fly in all directions as marketing maven Kelly Jones (Johansson) wreaks havoc on launch director Cole Davis’s (Tatum) already difficult task. When the White House deems the mission too important to fail, Jones is directed to stage a fake moon landing as back-up and the countdown truly begins…